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Inés Serhane
May 30, 20224 min read
ROSTRA DEBATE: Emmanuel Macron’s reelection, a relief across Europe.
April 21, In the aftermath of the French Presidential Debate, in a small library room at the Roeterseiland campus, two engaging teams...

Sanjana Majumdar
May 24, 20225 min read
LinkedIn: Boon or Curse
‘LinkedIn, the world’s largest platform for professionals to interact and connect with 830 million members across 200 countries’ – or...

Mina Marie Schmidt
May 17, 20224 min read
Pastel Infographics and the Pitfalls of Online Activism
In between swipes of gym pics, selfies and boomerangs, it is no rarity to stumble upon a frenzy of activist posts shedding light on...

Caecilia Hagenberg
May 17, 20225 min read
The UNspoken advocacy for SA
Immune from Justice If the UN wants to stop advocating for sexual abuse, it needs to act with direction and urgency. The work of UN...

Moritz Bass
May 13, 20224 min read
The war in Ukraine has undeniably shown the democratic West how ruthless and destructive Putin and his authoritarian regime can be....

Carlo Felician
May 12, 20225 min read
The World’s Financial Firefighters Spark Controversy
René Ballivián, Financial Counselor, Bolivian Embassy signs the Bretton Woods agreement, 1944. Following the events of World War II, and...

Timofey Zhalnin
May 10, 20225 min read
Are we heading towards a recession?
In recent months we have often heard the words “approaching recession” being thrown around in the media. Although recessions occur...

Meriç Özsüer
May 9, 20227 min read
The Dream Empire
“Dream Empire”, a documentary set in China between 2012 and 2014, narrates the economic collapse of the Chinese real estate industry and...
Hannah Zhu
May 1, 20227 min read
The ‘debt-trap diplomacy’ narrative: A look at the other side
The ‘debt trap diplomacy’ narrative has become a defining account of Chinese overseas financing since it was first uttered by the Trump...
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